Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Bike, One Tooth Brush, One Credit Card - All Set

Looks like the route over the Isle of Arran may not be possible because the ferry times don't work out very well for us. So we'll have to go up the west coast via Largs and Gourock, then over Dunoon and up to Inveraray.

Weather for the first 4 days look OK.

I'm going to using the rather whizzy cycling GPS for navigation. So I have spent many late evenings over the last 2 weeks planning the route. When I gave a try the other week I think it was more hassle than it was worth at the time. But that's when we knew where we were going mostly. I am hopnig it works better for us in the middle of nowhere. Should be fine in Scotland - not many roads to choose from. Not looking forward to Runcorn - navigating thru there looks horrible. So if you are watching our progress on the map and we seem to be going round in circles you'll know why.

However my faith in the technology does not stretch to not taking a map as well.

Not much packing, I'm going to be travelling light - 1 set of cycling stuff, one tee shirt, one pair of pants, a tooth brush, sun tan cream and a credit card. Do you think that will be enough. I'm sure the guys will be prepared to put up with the smell -just stay upwind. I think I had better take a tube of travel wash as well. Sounds like Martin is taking the kitchen sink.


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