[Friday 07:00 am - the time stamp above is the time in California, very useful don't you think ;-)]
We've all been busy on bike maintenance, which in my case seems to have been a big mistake.
So we've all fitted new tyres - except Martin, his super thin, slick tyres on which he has done all his training rides (admittedly not much), are perfect for the task apparently. Woody is also sticking with a replacement pair of his slicks - braver man than me.
I decided new brake blocks were required. I eventually get some moreorless appropriate blocks, and my brother comes over to help out. You know how it is when you start a job it seems so simple and then it just gets progressively more complicated and messy, with an increasing number of trips to the DIY /hardware shop... well that was yesterday and the DIY shop was Wiggle. Anyway, a complete new set of brakes are on their way to me.
The new chain and rear cassette look lovely and shiny. Only one small problem, I used to have 27 gears, now I have about 4. But hey, who needs all that choice.
The new gloves are working just fine though, even if my old gloves, to whom I had become quite attached, are looking rather sad and dejected in a pile I put things in just before they go in the bin (such a pile is useful in case I change my mind at the last minute).
Still, plenty of time to get it all working. And if necessary I'll just take all the bits my bike is in down to the bike shop and ask them to wave their magic wand and make it all worka again. However, I feel confident they'll then tell me I need a new headset, bottom bracket, hubs.... I find ignorance is bliss.